Recent content by eldiego_22

  1. eldiego_22

    The Three Doges [A Joint Trade Shack between viperGTS, eldiego_22, and HiMyNamesLuigi] GRAND OPENING

    Cyndaquil for the torchic sound alright? :p Anytime after 4 p.m pacific time (:
  2. eldiego_22

    MartinLancer's Trade Market - Partially closed until August (Exams on my way)

    Okay sounds good Lemme get started on that Sheer force tauros correct?
  3. eldiego_22

    The Three Doges [A Joint Trade Shack between viperGTS, eldiego_22, and HiMyNamesLuigi] GRAND OPENING

    Your abra is done ! Imma be online for a while just get on and we'll trade :D
  4. eldiego_22

    MartinLancer's Trade Market - Partially closed until August (Exams on my way)

    CMT Totodile and Feroseed im in a jointed thread so if you like any of my partners i can get them for you as well
  5. eldiego_22

    The Three Doges [A Joint Trade Shack between viperGTS, eldiego_22, and HiMyNamesLuigi] GRAND OPENING

    Nice ! For sure ill let you know when its done
  6. eldiego_22

    The Three Doges [A Joint Trade Shack between viperGTS, eldiego_22, and HiMyNamesLuigi] GRAND OPENING

    yup, alright let me know when , im in -8 time zone
  7. eldiego_22

    The Three Doges [A Joint Trade Shack between viperGTS, eldiego_22, and HiMyNamesLuigi] GRAND OPENING

    Alright Sheer Force is here ! i looked at your thread im interested in your nidoran got some sheer force tauros im interested in a Jolly iron fist chimchar
  8. eldiego_22

    The Three Doges [A Joint Trade Shack between viperGTS, eldiego_22, and HiMyNamesLuigi] GRAND OPENING

    I only have a anger point right now the sheer force tauros will be coming soon though!
  9. eldiego_22

    The Three Doges [A Joint Trade Shack between viperGTS, eldiego_22, and HiMyNamesLuigi] GRAND OPENING

    Wants: 5IV Espeon 5IV geodude 5IV Pinsir 5IV Heracross 5IV Tyrunt 5IV Jolly Snorunt 5IV Mochop Legendaries: 3 5IV poke for 1 5IV Groudon 5IV Kyogre 5IV Rayquaza
  10. eldiego_22

    The Three Doges [A Joint Trade Shack between viperGTS, eldiego_22, and HiMyNamesLuigi] GRAND OPENING

    Abra Timid Magic Guard 31/x/31/31/31/31 Growlithe Adamant Flash Fire 31/31/31/x/31/31 Larvitar Adamant/Jolly Guts 31/31/31/x/31/31 Squirtle Bold Torrent 31/31/31/x/31/31 Tauros Jolly Anger Point/Intimidate/Sheer Force 31/31/31/x/31/31 In Stock: AP 3...
  11. eldiego_22

    The Three Doges [A Joint Trade Shack between viperGTS, eldiego_22, and HiMyNamesLuigi] GRAND OPENING

    Hello and Welcome to my section of the thread! The names Diego , - 3DS FC: 1392-5509-2207 - Pokemon Y IGN: Diego - Pokemon Y ID Number: 19411 I do have a few rules they are pretty basic BTW I'm the coolest of these 3 haha My Rules: 1. NO HACKS Please ! 2. Be respectful of others 3. Be nice to...
  12. eldiego_22

    SeaJay's Shiny4Shiny Trade Thread *Pokes Updated 1/16/14* 7 New Shinies Added

    interested in Froslass (F) - Timid, Cursed Body, 31\x\31\31\31\31 | Spikes | Taiyo | 45683 | Pokeball i can get you BP items Or i have 5iv growlithe adamant flash fire 31/31/31/x/31/31 5iv abra timid magic guard 31/31/x/31/31/31 5iv scyther adamant technician 31/31/x/31/31/31
  13. eldiego_22

    BuxBunny's trade thread

    Thanks , if anything i can get you BP items as well