Recent content by ckenni

  1. Hi there! can i ask if you could possibly hatch a 3623 egg for me? thanks

    Hi there! can i ask if you could possibly hatch a 3623 egg for me? thanks
  2. sure msg me again when you are here

    sure msg me again when you are here
  3. hey there yes im online right now and just got home from work. hoping youre still available to...

    hey there yes im online right now and just got home from work. hoping youre still available to hatch!
  4. hi there one of my eggs seems to have matched your SV. Can i ask if you could hatch it for me...

    hi there one of my eggs seems to have matched your SV. Can i ask if you could hatch it for me please? Thank you FC: 2105-8733-6342 [Alex]
  5. thanks a lot! really appreciate the help!

    thanks a lot! really appreciate the help!
  6. oh alright no problem

    oh alright no problem
  7. ok going on now!

    ok going on now!
  8. oh lol i stand corrected! my detail are FC: 2105-8733-6342 [Alex] ,. no nickname and ill add you...

    oh lol i stand corrected! my detail are FC: 2105-8733-6342 [Alex] ,. no nickname and ill add you now!
  9. hi there, your brother oohh_shiny asked me to message you if you could possibbly hatch an egg...

    hi there, your brother oohh_shiny asked me to message you if you could possibbly hatch an egg with his SV for me? thank you
  10. Thanks a lot for hatching my Shiny Rioulu!

    Thanks a lot for hatching my Shiny Rioulu!
  11. thank you very much! really sorry for the egg mishap

    thank you very much! really sorry for the egg mishap
  12. ok just waiting for your trade invite

    ok just waiting for your trade invite
  13. i may have sent the wrong egg, can you please retrade?

    i may have sent the wrong egg, can you please retrade?
  14. Ok im connected now,. my ign is Alex not sure if youre Ivy is L or I

    Ok im connected now,. my ign is Alex not sure if youre Ivy is L or I
  15. sorry im having trouble connecting to the internet with my 3ds. give me a few more minutes...

    sorry im having trouble connecting to the internet with my 3ds. give me a few more minutes. thank you